Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Why is it more difficult to talk to our friends, family, co-workers, you fill in the blank, about Jesus than with a complete stranger? So many of us go on "mission trips" and live life so differently for those few days. We actually live as though it is our responsibility to tell those we meet about the Lord. We actually believe that it is our reason for being there. Isn't that true here? Now?

If I lived my life as though it was MY responsibility to make sure that each person I came in contact with experienced Jesus because of our interaction... oh how life would be different. I want to live that way. I want to live as though that is my sole purpose of being here in Cambridge right now sitting next to the guy I am sitting next to... or live as though my very purpose of working at Chappy's is to give my co-workers a glimpse of my Creator... or have conversations with my friends that remind them that He is the ONLY way. I want to live with more urgency to tell others, ALL others, around me that my God is Mighty to Save.

As I write this, I mean it. I really do want this. But, I wrote in my journal just a few moments ago that "my wants, desires, do not line up with my actions". I say I want this, I say I want to love all people, I say I want to glorify Him in every thing that I do, but my actions reflect otherwise. Reminds me of something...
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate to do I do." --Romans 7:15

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ripple Effect

Whether we decide to pay for the next car's coffee in the Starbucks line, flick someone off that pulled out in front of us, choose to support a friend moving to China or decide not to call that person back... we affect those around us. Sometimes in great ways, sometimes in minute ways. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. It amazes me though how much effect we have on those around us.
Since B is leaving for China very shortly, I have noticed this a lot because I have been taken back by how much affect he has had on this place, on these people. The words that we speak, the lives that we live... are being watched by those around us and they WILL have an affect... we just determine what kind. I pray that I can leave a mark on a city like Biscuet has left here. Let us live our lives in such ways that bring people to know Christ, that cause people to see Jesus in us, that remind people that Christ in us means LOVE flows out of us.
I believe that if we live reminded constantly that the way we live affects the world around us, we would live differently.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My new obsession...

... is Juliana Tokyo.
There is nothing like the volcano roll and I find myself eating there at least once a week these days.

But, on to more important things. I have been thinking about friendships a lot lately. Maybe its because one of my best friends is leaving in two weeks, who knows. But, I have been trying to pinpoint what it means, for me, to consider someone my friend. I think that I have narrowed it down to this: Experiencing life together. Sure there are random people that I see every couple of years that I may say are my "friend", but my true friends are those that if someone asked what they were up to, I would KNOW without a doubt a pretty accurate description on what there life consists of... not just some broad rendition. I hope that I never lose any of those friends that are in my life right now... the ones that I experience life with. I pray that never changes. Even if they are half a world away.

Talked to Ocean tonight. He cried and told me he was waiting patiently for my return to Hong Kong. I cannot put into words what that kid does to my heart...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy at Chappy's

So a few weeks ago, I started working at Chappy's Deli... which I happen to love. I work Mon-Friday 7am-2pm. Yes, the 7am is tough at times, only when people are hanging out and I have to go to sleep. We all know how hard it is for me to be responsible when I could be hanging out! But, I have done surprisingly well with this whole going to bed early deal.
So my favorite employee at Chappy's would have to be Sam, the dishwasher. While scrapping nasty half eaten food in the trash can, he noticed my tattoo and asked what it meant. I said Yahweh and he followed with "so I am assuming you are a Christian". To be quite honest, while I said "yes" with what seemed to be no hesitation, there definitely was hesitation... I often find myself fearful of what others view "Christians" as. But that's another story...
He told me he was too, and then says "But, I sin a lot".
Last time I checked, we all did. This led into a wonderful conversation of how beautiful grace is and how thankful we are that we know grace instead of karma.
All in the Chappy's kitchen.